Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I am So Loved

Lost Canyon Young Life camp, work weekend!

These are my sisters in Christ (and 6 are missing). We're journeying through life together. My heart aches that I can't see them tonight. We meet twice a month. I am completely overwhelmed today, but talked to 2 of my sisters and felt God's balm of love and peace flood over me.
I needed perspective.
I needed wisdom.
I needed a calm voice.
I needed unconditional love.
I got all that and a smile after hanging up the phone. Mmm.
Now I look at my kids and smile, hug them, read quietly to them, grateful to make dinner.
All that because my friends listened.

1 comment:

Susan G said...

How much fun!!!! What a wonderful group you have!!! I love all of you!

Susan G