Monday, October 8, 2007


I had mixed feelings about joining a co-op this year. But you know what convinced me? The wonderful families that are in it. I don't home school to have 'control' over my kids. The better word would be 'influence'. They are mine and Derrick's responsibility. Their character training being first and foremost. Teaching them God's Word, modeling for them how to get along in a family, all day. I am so glad these women are also speaking into my children's lives this year.

Alex and Dex have Economics , Screen-writing, Worldview and Literature. Their teachers bring so much to the class by way of their love for the Lord, the kids and amazing preparation. Let alone, their wonderful abilities God has given them.

Emma has Astronomy, Literature, Writing and Spanish. She loves her classes so much, but she loves the kids even more. Her Tuten family gave her a camera for her birthday and she didn't waste time taking pictures of her friends today.McKenzie and Galilee

Lizzy and Jefferson are doing the Five in a Row curriculum which is so much fun. The moms are taking turns teaching. Every week is a different book and they are making lapbooks to go with it. Each book has been in a different country and the curriculum covers geography, math, science, reading, writing, history and art.
Jefferson and Zion

At home we are doing Math, phonics, music and homework from co-op. It certainly is a change this year for us but we are enjoying it.


familygregg said...

Really, honestly, truly....I will be sad when the co-oping years are behind me. There is nothing like being with like-minded good times together... and working through hard ones as well.... side by side. I believe we are building legacies for our children through this commitment and these relationships.

Susan G said...

I love that you are in our Co op and going through this journey with us!!!! You are a wonderful family and my kids LOVE your kids! I'm just so glad we are going through this together! Love always,
Susan G