What a great time , getting away with like-minded girlfriends. We have all loved Sally Clarkson for many years. I own every one of her books and am always refreshed and also challenged when I read them. Especially Seasons of a Mother's Heart. I haven't read her newest Dancing with the Father, but hope to soon, after I read my other favorite mom Ann Voscamp at Holy Experience who just released her first book A Thousand Gifts.
There were 9 moms all together, 6 of us drove over, which is my favorite mode of transportation. No schedule! We were gone Thursday morning until Sunday evening. Stayed at a lovely timeshare by the beach south of Newport. Not a hotel, two 2-bedroom units with kitchens. Sooo nice, sooo quiet. Even with baby Emily there (Andrea Griffith's 8th, who joined us from Little Rock) Thanks Lori for the timeshare!
Late nights chatting, we ate at great restaurants and there was much laughter.
4 of us ended with seeing my brother and his wife Sheri in Irvine. Thanks gals. At least Sheri signed their boy devotional books!
I can't remember the last time I've been away with girls out of town, for fun and fellowship and teaching..... when I'm not responsible for something. Maybe a Lilies weekend, but that's been several years, and at a local hotel. I didn't realize how much I missed it!
I'm on it now... where will we go next? I'm thinking NY. I'll keep my ear out for the conferences, especially if it's my sis-inlaw's!